ā˜€Ā Welcome to your One Lap Around the Sun ā˜€

Be takenĀ on a journey of self-development during which you will be askedĀ to step beyond daily gratitude practice to deepen your connection to rejuvenation, reflection, letting go, and reawakening.

Choose which journal is right for you below

One Lap Around the Sun

Gratitude, Imagery & Self-development

52-Week Journal

Experience what happens when the power of gratitude is paired with the power of imagery on your One Lap Around the Sun. This journal and its accompanying meditation tracks, written by Australian psychologist, Natasha Kiemel-Incorvaia, put a twist on daily gratitude practice, and incorporates season themed self-development practices.

In summer you are invited to rejuvenate, autumn reflect, winter let go and, spring reawaken.

The journal is undated so you can start your lap around the sun whenever you want. You simply need to determine how many days into your current season you are.

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This journal includes:

- Daily gratitude prompts with an accompanying imagery, meditation track
- Daily prompts to help you deepen your awareness of and connection to your emotions, body sensations and thoughts
- Monthly gratitude letter practice, with an accompanying imagery, meditation track
- Monthly self-development practices aligned to each seasonā€™s theme
- Seasonal alignment reflection exercise
- Five accompanying audio imagery, and meditation tracks

- Inspirational quotes aligned to seasonal theme
- Emotion catalogue to help facilitate awareness of and connection to emotions
- Example of completed daily prompts
- Transcripts of each of the audio meditation tracks for those who may be hard of hearing or prefer to complete the practice self-guided
- Instructions on how to complete the journals daily prompts and monthly exercises

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The seasonal self-development exercises incorporate different types of practices, including:

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Each seasonĀ contains threeĀ monthlyĀ practices or exercises, centered on the seasonal theme and designed to fosterĀ personal growth.Ā 

ā˜€Ā Rejuvenate & be present
ā˜€Ā Rejuvenate & be in nature
ā˜€Ā Rejuvenate & have fun

ā˜€ Let go of donā€™t
ā˜€Ā Let go of ideas about yourself (that are holding you back)
ā˜€Ā Let go of an unhelpful habit

ā˜€Ā Reflect on your direction:Ā Ā 
Time IĀ Work-career |Ā Money |Ā Current life path

ā˜€Ā Reflect on your relationships:
Romantic | Friendships | Family |Ā New connections

ā˜€Ā Reflect and look after yourself:
Mental health | Physical health

ā˜€ Reawaken your wardrobe
ā˜€Ā Reawaken your body
ā˜€Ā Reawaken something lost that brings you joy

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You Can Purchase a Season SeparatelyĀ 

Pick the season or seasons you want to try and buy them below

Want to focus onĀ rejuvenation?

Over the next 3 months you are invited to rejuvenate through beautiful, mindful intention.

As summer sets the tone around you, you will be asked to step beyond daily gratitude practice and deepen your connection to the present moment, reconnect to play, and immerse yourself in nature.

Buy Summer Journal

Want to focus onĀ reflection?

Over the next 3 months, you are invited to reflect through beautiful, mindful intention.

As autumn sets the tone around you, you are asked to step beyond daily gratitude practice and reflect on the current path you are walking, how you are holding space for your relationships and how you look after yourself.

Purchase Autumn Journal

Want to focus onĀ letting go?

Over the next three months, you are invited to let go through beautiful, mindful intention.

As winter sets the tone around you, you are asked to step beyond daily gratitude practice and let go of focusing on the ā€œdonā€™tsā€, ideas about yourself that are holding you back, and a habit preventing the growth you are seeking.

Get Winter Journal

Want to focusĀ onĀ reawakening?

Over the next three months, you are invited to reawaken through beautiful, mindful intention.

As spring sets the tone around you, you are asked to step beyond daily gratitude practice to reawaken parts of yourself that have been dormant and something that brings you joy that you have lost your connection to.Ā 

Buy Spring Journal

Before you purchase a season, consider this...

If you commit to buying all the seasons UPFRONT, you will save over 50% of the cost of purchasing them separately.


Save over 50% >> Buy 'One Lap Around the Sun"

Why is this?

The cost of printing.Ā 

To print a yearly, daily gratitude journal, with a self-development workbook inĀ it, in high-quality beautiful colour... costs $$$.

The solution

I made the seasons available to purchase separately.Ā 

This way if you are not ready to invest in the yearly journal, you can try out one season, at a lower cost.Ā 

Each stand alone season journal is 7 x 10 inches and you get more space to fill in your daily prompts.

The risk

If you decide you want to continue your commitment to daily gratitude, and experience the benefits of the other self-development practices it could end up costing you 50% more long-term.Ā 

For reference, One Lap Around the Sun is A4 in size, and has slightly less space to write your responses to the daily prompts.

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